Contact Us
Grünauring 15
CH-6014 Luzern

How it works:

You sign up and fill out the form. This will take no more than 5 minutes.
With a little experience in writing, you can work with us after a trial period.
Proof of your skills
All you have to do is take a language test and send us a reading sample.
Start your career today!
In our repertoire are: Essays, reports, research papers, presentations, diploma theses, bachelor's and master's theses as well as Matura theses. Basically, any work that students have to deal with on their way to graduation. You give us your instructions and requirements, set the deadline, draw up the contract, and after the deposit, we start writing. Our office in Lucerne is available 7 days a week, 10 hours a day. Over the years we have managed to gather a team of qualified ghostwriters. We have different backgrounds, but what unites us is our love for research and writing. One more important note: we want you to come back and use our services again and again. Therefore, it is in both our interests to produce work of the highest quality. We hope that you will be personally convinced of our quality.

1. Application preparation

You send us a request by mail or form on our website

2. Order confirmation

If our made offer suits you to the price, you will receive an order confirmation.

3. Partial deliveries

You make the deposit and a short time later you will receive the first partial delivery.

4. The finished work

After completion of the work, a proofreading takes place and, if desired, a plagiarism check.