
Should you need support:
At the beginning of the collaboration, we agree on a structured work plan. Based on this, we can conduct a 1:1 workshop. There we will define the concept of the paper: topic, goal of the research, how to proceed, an outline, dates of the sections and instructions on how to research and write effectively. In the further process, I will provide you with sufficient support. Just before completion, your work will be optimized by a final check. Then, when you are finally done writing, proofreading and editing will be performed.


from 40 CHF / page


from 55 CHF / page


from 42 CHF / page


from 45 CHF / page


from 40 CHF / page


from 40 CHF / page


from 40 CHF / page


from 45 CHF / page

2-hour workshop:
Personal meeting
Cost: 340 CHF
Topic and outline are available
Bring everything that is already in place up to the current point
You will receive instructions for the following steps and feedback on what you have written so far
Milestone plan possible
3-hour workshop
Personal meeting
510 CHF
Interview on your ideas and guidance on your own further ideas
Principles of the work are explained
Result is a promising concept


Wir helfen Ihnen den theoretischen Stoff zu begreifen und sich mit den Grundlagen auseinanderzusetzen.
Theoretische Aufgabe
Preise pro Seite beginnen ab 45 €
Zeit der Bearbeitung hängt von Anzahl der Seiten ab
Schwierigkeitsgrad fließt mit in Zeit und Preis ein


Wir helfen Ihnen den theoretischen Stoff zu begreifen und sich mit den Grundlagen auseinanderzusetzen.
Theoretische Aufgabe
Preise pro Seite beginnen ab 48 €
Zeit der Bearbeitung hängt von Anzahl der Seiten ab
Schwierigkeitsgrad fließt mit in Zeit und Preis ein


Wir helfen Ihnen den theoretischen Stoff zu begreifen und sich mit den Grundlagen auseinanderzusetzen.
Theoretische Aufgabe
Preise pro Seite beginnen ab 48 €
Zeit der Bearbeitung hängt von Anzahl der Seiten ab
Schwierigkeitsgrad fließt mit in Zeit und Preis ein

The most important thing for our agency is the satisfaction of our clients and therefore the quality of the texts. Therefore, we hire only extremely competent and experienced ghostwriters. However, their work should also be rewarded accordingly.
The price of the work depends, among other things, on the field of expertise. Thus, a paper in the humanities is cheaper than one in engineering. This is due to the difficulty but also the number of experts in the subject. Time also plays a role. The less time there is to complete it, the more expensive it will be. Therefore, it is best to contact the agency as soon as possible.

The prices for the orders are calculated on the basis of a formula:
Multiply the number of pages by the basic price/page. So, basically, the scope, the subject, the deadline, and the type of work always play a role.

Why We Have So Many Regular Customers

Complete discretion
We want to provide you with the best academic texts, that's why we have only the best working for us. But they want to remain anonymous, just like you. That is why we ensure the complete anonymity of the client and the author.

Customer requirements
The experts completely follow the client's specifications and pay attention to their needs. That is why you receive partial deliveries, on which you can give your feedback and express your wishes.

Order delivery
If you need to deliver the work soon and you are not even close to finishing it, write to us. We can help, no matter how tight the deadline is.

Partial payment is possible
We don't start work until the first deposit is made, but you can always pay for the individual parts after that, or in installments in general. Payment is due when you are satisfied with the written part. You have 2 options to pay: PayPal and bank transfer.

Experienced writers
We can prepare a structured outline, powerful introduction, or research thesis for you. This includes editing, proofreading, and plagiarism checking. With us, all writers have a degree from a university and each paper is checked by another ghostwriter. This way we can guarantee you the best quality.

In our agency, there is complete discretion. Security is everywhere and your data will not get to third parties. No one will know that you have placed an order with us.

You Can Trust Us!

Experienced ghostwriters, have one or more degrees and often have a Ph.D. but this is not the best. Since ghostwriters usually achieve high performance only after gaining experience, this ultimately allows them to quickly formulate constructive methods and solutions to various problems and tasks. In other words, it is best to gain experience over time. This means that our clients can rely on good results, i.e. high quality writing. After all, ghostwriting is above all a matter of trust. Since the process is completely anonymous, it is naturally difficult for those interested in our services to make a decision. That is why we recommend: Contacting us via phone and letting us explain to you in a conversation, which is of course non-binding, how everything works and what you should pay attention to. This will give you a good overview and then you can decide.

Let Us Write Your Term Paper

Do you have your hands full at the moment? Are you thinking about getting help? Then do not hesitate and contact us. We will solve your task in the best possible way!

Deadlines are putting you under pressure and the deadline is getting closer and closer, you are still studying for the upcoming university exam and due to time constraints, you don't know what to do. No problem at all! Professional help is at hand - let us write your paper for you.

With us, you get support from experienced and professional ghostwriters. No matter what the topic is! Our ghostwriters have a comprehensive and up-to-date literature review in their respective fields, are well acquainted with the relevant terminology, and know how to properly apply the topic-specific methods to successfully complete your term paper. With our team by your side, you can easily study for the upcoming exam without having to worry about the term paper! We do everything for you: from copywriting to bibliography. Our professional ghostwriters bring the red thread into your term paper

Are you stressed about your studies on the one hand and don't want to hire a ghostwriter on the other hand because you would get a guilty conscience? Do not worry about it!

Everyone has such phases and many also seek help. There is nothing wrong with that. Often, there are other problems that come along, such as the need for money! The time you would use for writing, you can now put into your free time or your part-time job.

Coaching with us
We prepare you in the best possible way for your term paper and the corresponding presentation. With our all-around carefree package, we will write your paper and explain everything you need to know about the topic so that you are perfectly prepared.
We have experts in all fields of study and will always find the right ghostwriter for you.

Have you thought about the necessary specifications? So justification, footnotes, and a complete bibliography as well as numbering of the pages?

Maybe it's enough for the time-consuming literature research, or you need someone to proofread and improve your homework and then put the finishing touches on it until you get the top grade. We can take care of these parts of the work as well. Students usually do not pay much attention to proofreading, but this is wrong, as many small mistakes can be found during proofreading. That is why we offer not only traditional writing services but also provide quality checks and proofreading. You can regularly communicate with the writer by phone or mail to keep up to date with your work. It's almost like working with your classmates. Especially small mistakes, such as missing footnotes or numbers, will not be forgotten and can be corrected. Your bibliography will also be comprehensively checked and revised if necessary.

You can be relieved of a lot of work by a ghostwriter, but of course, you still have to study by yourself. Many students also simply want a sample solution or a template for the paper they are supposed to write. Students often use our agency because we can score with experience, knowledge, and friendliness. We are even better than some professors.
You will get a legal paper from us that will not have any consequences for you.

Have your bachelor thesis writing

A bachelor thesis is the first academic paper on an important research topic. It consists of about 20 to 35 pages, and the processing time is usually 2 to 4 months. The research gap should be closed with the help of a bachelor's thesis.

Bachelor thesis - What should a decent essay contain? Writing a bachelor's thesis is a final exam. By writing the paper, students are supposed to develop research-relevant topics using the methods they have learned. Generally speaking, a bachelor's thesis is usually a treatment of a research problem on a topic that has already been worked on. In good German, it can therefore be equated with a compilation of knowledge. However, many students feel overwhelmed by this difficult task. This does not have to be the case!

Finding a suitable topic for the bachelor thesis
Many students have difficulties finding suitable bachelor thesis topics or formulating research questions. Do you have this problem as well? Or do you need help finding suitable research gaps? In general, students should choose topics in which they show strong interest. For example, did you particularly enjoy a subject or field during your studies? If you can answer this question in the affirmative, you are one step ahead of most. You also need to clarify the current literature on your topic. Can you find good sources to support your argument? If you also answer yes to this question, you can plan your work further.

Have your master thesis writing

The master's thesis is the final examination result of a master's student, whereby the master's thesis differs from the bachelor's thesis not only in terms of scope

because for writing a successful master thesis it is important to include coherent and goal-oriented personal considerations. In addition to the (mostly) purely descriptive Bachelor's thesis, students must also deal with open questions independently. For this reason, students are usually given 60-80 pages to demonstrate this level of systematic knowledge and expertise. This sounds like a lot of work, which is why many students feel overwhelmed by this difficult and fascinating task. However, it is possible to seek professional help legally.

Master thesis writing with the help of professionals
But what about hiring ghostwriters in the legal sense? Do I have to expect consequences such as plagiarism? Or is there legal help with writing a master's thesis?

In the most remote sense, ghostwriting is illegal because it is not allowed to pass off someone else's thoughts as your own. But you can get help with research. Revision etc. Therefore, the thoughts of others can be included in the work. Through our staff, it is easy to get help!

What should be generally considered when writing a master's thesis?
Formally, a master's thesis is similar to a bachelor's thesis: it is also divided into a cover page, table of contents, main body, bibliography, and appendix. However, the master's thesis shows a clear difference in the empirical part, as there is more room for independent work.

Bachelor's and Master's theses vary in length from 40-50 pages for a Bachelor's degree to 60-80 pages for a Master's degree. However, a broader range of work is also possible.
Accordingly, the processing time of the master's thesis is extended to an average of 6 months, which is also the reason for the higher requirements for the thesis. In order not to forget the goal when writing such works, you should not neglect a decent plan. As with all academic papers, this mainly involves the outline and literature research.

The right choice of topic is already half the battle
Since the design of the master's thesis depends to a large extent on your own contributions, you need to choose the topic specifically. In order to increase your motivation, topics in which you are interested are helpful. It is also important not to forget the current literature on the topic and which methods of information gathering can be used for further research. Once all these topics have been satisfactorily addressed, the actual writing of the paper can begin.

Seek help at the right time
Writing a master's thesis can be very challenging, especially when time constraints are a factor. Proper evaluation of findings and observations is especially important here. In fact, this can be a major challenge and is easier to master with the help of a technically competent one. Contact our agency with questions about methods, citations, referencing, and page numbering. We have experience and authors in almost all fields of study. We will also help you with the analysis of data and information. You can rely on discretion and high quality.