
The price of ghostwriting depends on several factors. These include the length of the text, the difficulty of the topic, the time frame for completion, and the experience and expertise of the writer.

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The price of ghostwriting depends on several factors. These include the length of the text, the difficulty of the topic, the time frame for completion, and the experience and expertise of the writer.

A longer text will usually cost more than a shorter one because more time and work are required to write it. A complex topic that requires a lot of research and expertise will also result in a higher cost. A tightly scheduled time frame may also result in a higher cost, as the writer may have to spend more time and energy to deliver the text on time.

The experience and expertise of the writer also play an important role in determining the price. An experienced writer with extensive expertise will usually charge higher prices than an inexperienced writer.

All these factors together affect the price of ghostwriting. However, on average, one page costs about 50 francs.

It is important to note that this is only a rough estimate and the actual price may depend on a variety of factors. If you need a quote for ghostwriting, it is recommended that you contact several writers and compare their prices to get the best value for your money.