The study of electrical engineering is extremely versatile. It includes, for example, the development of special hardware and software as well as other systems of communication technology. Due to technological progress, new techniques and areas of application are constantly emerging for which future electrical engineers must be prepared.

4/1/20231 min read

The study of electrical engineering is extremely versatile. It includes, for example, the development of special hardware and software as well as other systems of communication technology. Due to technological progress, new techniques and areas of application are constantly emerging for which future electrical engineers must be prepared.

For this purpose, contents such as circuit design, measurement and control technology, and electrical engineering are taught. In postgraduate studies, topics such as automation technology and technical computing are also covered. Other topics - depending on the major - include communications engineering, power engineering, digital systems and microcontrollers, power engineering, and regenerative energy systems.

The study program also includes learning math and physics - content that is not easy for all students. With increasing digitization and automation in many areas of our society, the study of computer science is becoming more demanding and complex.

As the study of information processing, computer science provides assistance in the digital processing of content. For students, this means they must demonstrate a high level of logical and analytical thinking in order to do well in their studies. Other elements of the computer science program include subfields of physics and electrical engineering. Due to the complexity of the course content and the difficulty of the exams, failure rates in computer science studies are high.

Computer science ghostwriters work on topics related to digitization, mobile marketing topics, cloud computing, or programming languages. Students also write a thesis when they graduate with a degree in computer science. The study of computer science is one of the most popular fields of study today.